Founded in 2020 by Shefali Sharma, Dr Edward Jackson and Mike Lawton, Oxford Dynamics brings together a unique blend of hard-won serial tech entrepreneurial expertise, 'new space' technology development experience and cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence research.
Oxford Dynamics undertakes work for various HMG entities whilst developing its core intellectual property for commercial exploitation, both on orbit and terrestrially.
We're located at the RAL Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire, home of the rapidly growing Harwell Space Cluster eco-system.

- OD's Chair of the Board of Directors
- Previously held the office for COO for Global Kitten Corp. (GKC)
- At GKC, he was responsible for organisation's global connections with humans
- His long-term vision is 'No cat should ever have to work for food & petting'
- MBA from Hardboard Business School (HBS) for Felines, graduating with Summa Cum Laude. And a cute, damp nose

Shefali Sharma
- Innovate UK Global Young Innovator
- Royal Academy of Engineering Promising SME Leader
- 7+ years commercial space sector experience
- MSc in Space Engineering
Dr Eddie Jackson
- PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision (sponsored by BAE Systems)
- Patent pending research by BAE Systems
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computer Science Department of University of Oxford

Mike Lawton
- Entrepreneur & Founder / ex-CEO of Oxford Space Systems
- Barclays Bank Tech Start-Up Entrepreneur of the Year 2018
- Contributor to, and responsible for, multiple engineering patents
- NATO Start-Up Accelerator Red Team Advisor